Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-17

» 17 October 2010 » In Uncategorized »

  • Watched a little football yesterday, sort of by osmosis. I had forgotten it existed. #
  • Brooks Conrad — does he usually play 2b? #
  • scare for Heyward there, looks like he's OK. He obviously had a tough time picking up the ball. #
  • credit the sun with an rbi there. #
  • conrad successfully fields grounder #
  • twitter is alight with witticisms about the flaws of Brooks Conrad. #
  • gonzalez skillfully kept the ball away from conrad there. #
  • these commercials are doing me a great job convincing me not to drink captain morgan #
  • ouch #
  • It is written: Brooks Conrad. #
  • My latest FanGraphs work: #
  • Happy Thanksgiving / Jour de l'Action de grâce to my friends in Canada. #
  • Finally figured out who Brian Wilson's crazy beard reminds me of #

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