Why I Root For Every Minor League Veteran Who Goes to Japan

» 29 July 2013 » In mlb, nichibei »

In a link, here’s why.

In a quote:

“How about apologizing to all the minor leaguers who are trying to make it on PB&J’s?”

I’ll leave it up to you to read the linked article, but I hope Brett Pill gets a shot to make a few bucks in Japan or Korea in the next year or two.


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  1. Patrick
    29/07/2013 at 6:17 pm Permalink

    Brett Pill was one of the guys I chatted with when I went down to Fresno to see Kensuke Tanaka play a few months ago. I was like “What the hell are you doing in Fresno? That’s so totally not fair,” he laughed and said he was working on it, and went on to hit a home run and two doubles that day. If that translated into something he could pull off in the NPB I’d love to see him there (preferably on a team I cheer for)

  2. Patrick
    30/07/2013 at 11:59 am Permalink

    His registered name would be ブレット, no doubt.