Rasner Re-signs with Rakuten

» 12 November 2009 » In npb »

According to a baseball source, Darrell Rasner has agreed to a deal to return to the Rakuten Golden Eagles. Rakuten declined their team option for 2010, but the two sides came to terms on a new one-year contract with an option for 2011. The deal’s financial terms are unknown.

Rasner struggled in his first year in Japan, but showed some signs of coming around late in the season. We’ll see how he does under new manager Marty Brown.


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  1. Patrick
    John Brooks
    12/11/2009 at 10:56 am Permalink

    We’ll see how he does under new manager Marty Brown.

    Am I missing something, I thought the Carp fired Brown and Nomura was managing at Rakuten?

  2. Patrick
    12/11/2009 at 11:01 am Permalink

    Nomura retired and Brown took over as Rakuten manager: http://www.sanspo.com/baseball/photos/091112/bsh0911122024003-p2.htm

  3. Patrick
    John Brooks
    12/11/2009 at 11:05 am Permalink

    Okay, interesting. Glad to hear that Brown got a second chance in NPB. I think he will be definetly be more successful at Rakuten than Hiroshima and is a good choice.