Update: Kikuchi’s MLB Meetings; Red Sox in the Mix?

» 14 October 2009 » In amateur baseball, mlb prospects, npb draft »

Nikkan Sports has an updated version of what I posted yesterday on Yusei Kikuchi’s meeting schedule:

October 19: Dodgers, Red Sox, Rangers, Giants
October 20:Mariners, Mets, Yankees, Indians

This is the first mention I’ve seen in the Japanese media of the Red Sox being in the mix. According to Nikkan, Boston had scout Craig Shipley at Koshien, observing in deep secrecy.


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  1. Patrick
    14/10/2009 at 10:46 pm Permalink

    How much of a secret is it really that the team with 4 Japanese pitchers (really?) is interested in yet another?

    God I hope he doesn’t go to the Red Sox. I’d almost want to have him go to the Yankees more than the “Nation”.

    But if he does choose to go to the US, go to the M’s! ^_^ (as long as you don’t cost an arm an a leg. Hey, we’re rebuilding!)

  2. Patrick
    15/10/2009 at 9:41 am Permalink

    That was Nikkan’s wording, I just repeated it.

  3. Patrick
    15/10/2009 at 10:35 am Permalink

    Your right the M’s do need some fresh nihonjin blood in there ranks!

  4. Patrick
    16/10/2009 at 1:36 am Permalink

    I don’t doubt that you’re repeating Nikkan’s words Patrick, I just highly doubt the fact that the Red Sox could secretly be doing anything in Japan without someone else noticing.


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