Yu Darvish’s Latest Shutout
Yu Darvish threw another shutout today, devouring the Yakult Swallows 3-0, striking out nine, but also allowing eight hits.
I’ve put together a velocity chart for this game, but if you’re on the homepage you’ll have to click the “continue reading” link to check it out.
Note that Darvish’s fastball, forkball, cutter and shuuto (which is really a two-seam fastball) all sat around 88-94 mph, while his slider and curve were around 70-80.
Roll over each element of the chart to get metadata on the pitch. And let me know if you see any problems.
dojo.require("dojox.charting.Chart2D"); dojo.require("dojox.charting.widget.Legend"); dojo.require("dojox.charting.action2d.Magnify"); dojo.require("dojox.charting.action2d.Highlight"); dojo.require("dojox.charting.action2d.Tooltip"); dojo.require("dojox.charting.themes.PlotKit.cyan"); dojo.require("dojox.charting.themes.MiamiNice");
makeCharts = function(){
var darvish_chart1 = new dojox.charting.Chart2D("simplechart");
darvish_chart1.addPlot("default", {type: "Scatter"});
darvish_chart1.addAxis("y", {vertical: true, min: 60, max: 100});
darvish_chart1.addSeries("forkball", [{x: 16, y: 87.5, tooltip: "pitch #: 16
pitch: forkball
velocity: 87.5
result: strike swinging"},{x: 19, y: 88.75, tooltip: "pitch #: 19
pitch: forkball
velocity: 88.75
result: groundout"},{x: 31, y: 85, tooltip: "pitch #: 31
pitch: forkball
velocity: 85
result: groundout"},{x: 39, y: 86.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 39
pitch: forkball
velocity: 86.875
result: strike swinging"},{x: 43, y: 86.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 43
pitch: forkball
velocity: 86.875
result: ball"},{x: 58, y: 88.75, tooltip: "pitch #: 58
pitch: forkball
velocity: 88.75
result: groundball hit"},{x: 87, y: 86.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 87
pitch: forkball
velocity: 86.875
result: strikeout looking"},{x: 102, y: 88.75, tooltip: "pitch #: 102
pitch: forkball
velocity: 88.75
result: foul"},{x: 103, y: 87.5, tooltip: "pitch #: 103
pitch: forkball
velocity: 87.5
result: double"},{x: 112, y: 86.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 112
pitch: forkball
velocity: 86.875
result: ball"},{x: 118, y: 88.75, tooltip: "pitch #: 118
pitch: forkball
velocity: 88.75
result: ball"}]);
darvish_chart1.addSeries("shuuto", [{x: 75, y: 90, tooltip: "pitch #: 75
pitch: shuuto
velocity: 90
result: strike swinging"},{x: 93, y: 90, tooltip: "pitch #: 93
pitch: shuuto
velocity: 90
result: ball"}]);
darvish_chart1.addSeries("slider", [{x: 1, y: 78.75, tooltip: "pitch #: 1
pitch: slider
velocity: 78.75
result: strike looking"},{x: 4, y: 79.375, tooltip: "pitch #: 4
pitch: slider
velocity: 79.375
result: ball"},{x: 6, y: 78.125, tooltip: "pitch #: 6
pitch: slider
velocity: 78.125
result: walk"},{x: 11, y: 78.125, tooltip: "pitch #: 11
pitch: slider
velocity: 78.125
result: strike looking"},{x: 15, y: 78.125, tooltip: "pitch #: 15
pitch: slider
velocity: 78.125
result: strike looking"},{x: 26, y: 77.5, tooltip: "pitch #: 26
pitch: slider
velocity: 77.5
result: ball"},{x: 40, y: 75.625, tooltip: "pitch #: 40
pitch: slider
velocity: 75.625
result: strikeout swinging"},{x: 44, y: 78.125, tooltip: "pitch #: 44
pitch: slider
velocity: 78.125
result: foul"},{x: 50, y: 75.625, tooltip: "pitch #: 50
pitch: slider
velocity: 75.625
result: ball"},{x: 51, y: 75.625, tooltip: "pitch #: 51
pitch: slider
velocity: 75.625
result: groundout"},{x: 53, y: 79.375, tooltip: "pitch #: 53
pitch: slider
velocity: 79.375
result: ball"},{x: 54, y: 78.125, tooltip: "pitch #: 54
pitch: slider
velocity: 78.125
result: strike swinging"},{x: 56, y: 77.5, tooltip: "pitch #: 56
pitch: slider
velocity: 77.5
result: strikeout swinging"},{x: 65, y: 78.125, tooltip: "pitch #: 65
pitch: slider
velocity: 78.125
result: strikeout swinging"},{x: 78, y: 78.75, tooltip: "pitch #: 78
pitch: slider
velocity: 78.75
result: ball"},{x: 79, y: 77.5, tooltip: "pitch #: 79
pitch: slider
velocity: 77.5
result: strikeout swinging"},{x: 80, y: 75.625, tooltip: "pitch #: 80
pitch: slider
velocity: 75.625
result: groundout"},{x: 85, y: 75.625, tooltip: "pitch #: 85
pitch: slider
velocity: 75.625
result: strike swinging"},{x: 86, y: 76.25, tooltip: "pitch #: 86
pitch: slider
velocity: 76.25
result: strike looking"},{x: 90, y: 75.625, tooltip: "pitch #: 90
pitch: slider
velocity: 75.625
result: groundout"},{x: 91, y: 75, tooltip: "pitch #: 91
pitch: slider
velocity: 75
result: ball"},{x: 92, y: 75, tooltip: "pitch #: 92
pitch: slider
velocity: 75
result: strike looking"},{x: 95, y: 77.5, tooltip: "pitch #: 95
pitch: slider
velocity: 77.5
result: groundball hit"},{x: 107, y: 80, tooltip: "pitch #: 107
pitch: slider
velocity: 80
result: foul"},{x: 109, y: 77.5, tooltip: "pitch #: 109
pitch: slider
velocity: 77.5
result: foul"},{x: 111, y: 78.125, tooltip: "pitch #: 111
pitch: slider
velocity: 78.125
result: strikeout looking"},{x: 122, y: 76.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 122
pitch: slider
velocity: 76.875
result: ball"},{x: 123, y: 73.75, tooltip: "pitch #: 123
pitch: slider
velocity: 73.75
result: ball"}]);
darvish_chart1.addSeries("cut fastball", [{x: 8, y: 87.5, tooltip: "pitch #: 8
pitch: cut fastball
velocity: 87.5
result: groundout"},{x: 9, y: 88.75, tooltip: "pitch #: 9
pitch: cut fastball
velocity: 88.75
result: gdp"},{x: 20, y: 89.375, tooltip: "pitch #: 20
pitch: cut fastball
velocity: 89.375
result: ball"},{x: 21, y: 88.125, tooltip: "pitch #: 21
pitch: cut fastball
velocity: 88.125
result: ball"},{x: 22, y: 86.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 22
pitch: cut fastball
velocity: 86.875
result: strike looking"},{x: 28, y: 89.375, tooltip: "pitch #: 28
pitch: cut fastball
velocity: 89.375
result: groundout"},{x: 33, y: 88.125, tooltip: "pitch #: 33
pitch: cut fastball
velocity: 88.125
result: live drive single"},{x: 36, y: 86.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 36
pitch: cut fastball
velocity: 86.875
result: groundout"},{x: 41, y: 86.25, tooltip: "pitch #: 41
pitch: cut fastball
velocity: 86.25
result: ball"},{x: 42, y: 88.125, tooltip: "pitch #: 42
pitch: cut fastball
velocity: 88.125
result: live drive single"},{x: 70, y: 85.625, tooltip: "pitch #: 70
pitch: cut fastball
velocity: 85.625
result: flyout"},{x: 83, y: 85.625, tooltip: "pitch #: 83
pitch: cut fastball
velocity: 85.625
result: ball"},{x: 97, y: 86.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 97
pitch: cut fastball
velocity: 86.875
result: gdp"},{x: 100, y: 87.5, tooltip: "pitch #: 100
pitch: cut fastball
velocity: 87.5
result: foul"},{x: 101, y: 85.625, tooltip: "pitch #: 101
pitch: cut fastball
velocity: 85.625
result: foul"},{x: 113, y: 86.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 113
pitch: cut fastball
velocity: 86.875
result: ball"},{x: 114, y: 86.25, tooltip: "pitch #: 114
pitch: cut fastball
velocity: 86.25
result: foul"},{x: 115, y: 86.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 115
pitch: cut fastball
velocity: 86.875
result: ball"},{x: 116, y: 86.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 116
pitch: cut fastball
velocity: 86.875
result: live drive single"}]);
darvish_chart1.addSeries("curve", [{x: 14, y: 75.625, tooltip: "pitch #: 14
pitch: curve
velocity: 75.625
result: strikeout swinging"},{x: 24, y: 75.625, tooltip: "pitch #: 24
pitch: curve
velocity: 75.625
result: foul"},{x: 25, y: 76.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 25
pitch: curve
velocity: 76.875
result: flyout"},{x: 29, y: 74.375, tooltip: "pitch #: 29
pitch: curve
velocity: 74.375
result: ball"},{x: 30, y: 76.25, tooltip: "pitch #: 30
pitch: curve
velocity: 76.25
result: strike looking"},{x: 37, y: 68.125, tooltip: "pitch #: 37
pitch: curve
velocity: 68.125
result: ball"},{x: 38, y: 66.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 38
pitch: curve
velocity: 66.875
result: strike looking"},{x: 48, y: 55.625, tooltip: "pitch #: 48
pitch: curve
velocity: 55.625
result: ball"},{x: 57, y: 75.625, tooltip: "pitch #: 57
pitch: curve
velocity: 75.625
result: strike looking"},{x: 61, y: 72.5, tooltip: "pitch #: 61
pitch: curve
velocity: 72.5
result: foul"},{x: 64, y: 68.75, tooltip: "pitch #: 64
pitch: curve
velocity: 68.75
result: foul"},{x: 66, y: 75.625, tooltip: "pitch #: 66
pitch: curve
velocity: 75.625
result: ball"},{x: 67, y: 75, tooltip: "pitch #: 67
pitch: curve
velocity: 75
result: foul"},{x: 68, y: 76.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 68
pitch: curve
velocity: 76.875
result: foul"},{x: 72, y: 72.5, tooltip: "pitch #: 72
pitch: curve
velocity: 72.5
result: strike looking"},{x: 73, y: 73.75, tooltip: "pitch #: 73
pitch: curve
velocity: 73.75
result: flyout"},{x: 98, y: 66.25, tooltip: "pitch #: 98
pitch: curve
velocity: 66.25
result: ball"}]);
darvish_chart1.addSeries("fastball", [{x: 2, y: 91.25, tooltip: "pitch #: 2
pitch: fastball
velocity: 91.25
result: strike looking"},{x: 3, y: 91.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 3
pitch: fastball
velocity: 91.875
result: ball"},{x: 5, y: 91.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 5
pitch: fastball
velocity: 91.875
result: ball"},{x: 7, y: 0, tooltip: "pitch #: 7
pitch: fastball
velocity: 0
result: strike looking"},{x: 10, y: 91.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 10
pitch: fastball
velocity: 91.875
result: double"},{x: 12, y: 93.125, tooltip: "pitch #: 12
pitch: fastball
velocity: 93.125
result: strike swinging"},{x: 13, y: 91.25, tooltip: "pitch #: 13
pitch: fastball
velocity: 91.25
result: ball"},{x: 17, y: 91.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 17
pitch: fastball
velocity: 91.875
result: ball"},{x: 18, y: 93.75, tooltip: "pitch #: 18
pitch: fastball
velocity: 93.75
result: ball"},{x: 23, y: 91.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 23
pitch: fastball
velocity: 91.875
result: strike swinging"},{x: 27, y: 90, tooltip: "pitch #: 27
pitch: fastball
velocity: 90
result: ball"},{x: 32, y: 93.125, tooltip: "pitch #: 32
pitch: fastball
velocity: 93.125
result: strike looking"},{x: 34, y: 91.25, tooltip: "pitch #: 34
pitch: fastball
velocity: 91.25
result: ball"},{x: 35, y: 91.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 35
pitch: fastball
velocity: 91.875
result: ball"},{x: 45, y: 91.25, tooltip: "pitch #: 45
pitch: fastball
velocity: 91.25
result: foul"},{x: 46, y: 93.125, tooltip: "pitch #: 46
pitch: fastball
velocity: 93.125
result: ball"},{x: 47, y: 92.5, tooltip: "pitch #: 47
pitch: fastball
velocity: 92.5
result: strikeout swinging"},{x: 49, y: 91.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 49
pitch: fastball
velocity: 91.875
result: line drive out"},{x: 52, y: 91.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 52
pitch: fastball
velocity: 91.875
result: strike looking"},{x: 55, y: 90.625, tooltip: "pitch #: 55
pitch: fastball
velocity: 90.625
result: ball"},{x: 59, y: 92.5, tooltip: "pitch #: 59
pitch: fastball
velocity: 92.5
result: strike looking"},{x: 60, y: 88.75, tooltip: "pitch #: 60
pitch: fastball
velocity: 88.75
result: strike looking"},{x: 62, y: 91.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 62
pitch: fastball
velocity: 91.875
result: ball"},{x: 63, y: 92.5, tooltip: "pitch #: 63
pitch: fastball
velocity: 92.5
result: foul"},{x: 69, y: 88.75, tooltip: "pitch #: 69
pitch: fastball
velocity: 88.75
result: groundball hit"},{x: 71, y: 89.375, tooltip: "pitch #: 71
pitch: fastball
velocity: 89.375
result: strike looking"},{x: 74, y: 91.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 74
pitch: fastball
velocity: 91.875
result: ball"},{x: 76, y: 93.125, tooltip: "pitch #: 76
pitch: fastball
velocity: 93.125
result: ball"},{x: 77, y: 92.5, tooltip: "pitch #: 77
pitch: fastball
velocity: 92.5
result: strike swinging"},{x: 81, y: 91.25, tooltip: "pitch #: 81
pitch: fastball
velocity: 91.25
result: ball"},{x: 82, y: 90, tooltip: "pitch #: 82
pitch: fastball
velocity: 90
result: ball"},{x: 84, y: 91.25, tooltip: "pitch #: 84
pitch: fastball
velocity: 91.25
result: walk"},{x: 88, y: 91.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 88
pitch: fastball
velocity: 91.875
result: ball"},{x: 89, y: 91.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 89
pitch: fastball
velocity: 91.875
result: strike looking"},{x: 94, y: 90, tooltip: "pitch #: 94
pitch: fastball
velocity: 90
result: groundout"},{x: 96, y: 91.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 96
pitch: fastball
velocity: 91.875
result: foul"},{x: 99, y: 90.625, tooltip: "pitch #: 99
pitch: fastball
velocity: 90.625
result: ball"},{x: 104, y: 91.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 104
pitch: fastball
velocity: 91.875
result: strike swinging"},{x: 105, y: 92.5, tooltip: "pitch #: 105
pitch: fastball
velocity: 92.5
result: strike swinging"},{x: 106, y: 90.625, tooltip: "pitch #: 106
pitch: fastball
velocity: 90.625
result: ball"},{x: 108, y: 92.5, tooltip: "pitch #: 108
pitch: fastball
velocity: 92.5
result: ball"},{x: 110, y: 93.125, tooltip: "pitch #: 110
pitch: fastball
velocity: 93.125
result: ball"},{x: 117, y: 91.25, tooltip: "pitch #: 117
pitch: fastball
velocity: 91.25
result: strike swinging"},{x: 119, y: 91.25, tooltip: "pitch #: 119
pitch: fastball
velocity: 91.25
result: foul"},{x: 120, y: 91.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 120
pitch: fastball
velocity: 91.875
result: strikeout swinging"},{x: 121, y: 91.875, tooltip: "pitch #: 121
pitch: fastball
velocity: 91.875
result: ball"},{x: 124, y: 90.625, tooltip: "pitch #: 124
pitch: fastball
velocity: 90.625
result: strike looking"},{x: 125, y: 90.625, tooltip: "pitch #: 125
pitch: fastball
velocity: 90.625
result: flyout"}]);
var anim_a = new dojox.charting.action2d.Magnify(darvish_chart1, "default"); var anim_b = new dojox.charting.action2d.Highlight(darvish_chart1, "default"); var anim_c = new dojox.charting.action2d.Tooltip(darvish_chart1, "default");
darvish_chart1.render(); var legend = new dojox.charting.widget.Legend({chart: darvish_chart1}, "legend"); };
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