Archive > 27 November 2008

Official-ish: Tazawa to Red Sox

» 27 November 2008 » In mlb prospects » 1 Comment

Update, Nov 28: More confirmation: Sponichi is reporting that Tazawa has agreed to Boston’s offer, and the Red Sox are looking into introducing him at a press conferencing at Fenway Park.

Update, Nov 27: More news about Tazawa today, but the only report offering any new information is this one from Sanspo. According Eneos manager Hideaki Ohkubo, Tazawa has formally turned down Texas’s and Atlanta’s offers. Jiji Press says that he’s turned down Seattle’s too. Looks like we can expect an official announcement on December 1.

Multiple Japanese media sources (Nikkan Sports, Mainichi, Sponichi) are reporting that Junichi Tazawa is set to sign with the Red Sox as early as December 1. Eneos manager Ohkubo is quoted as saying, “It felt like Tazawa is done negotiating with other teams”. 

Some details have leaked out on all the deals offered to Tazawa. All were apparently major league deals:

  • Boston: 3 years, $3M
  • Seattle: 3 years, $3M
  • Atlanta: 4 years, $4-5M
  • Texas: 4 years, $7M
According the Nikkan Sports piece, Boston’s development plan was an important selling point for Tazawa. Also from Nikkan Sports, Tazawa is set to terminate his contract with the Japan Amateur Association, freeing him up to sign with an MLB organization. 

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Happy Thanksgiving

» 27 November 2008 » In NPB Tracker » Comments Off on Happy Thanksgiving

It’s noon here in Silicon Valley, and cooking is underway in the NPB Tracker household. No guests, no travelling, just me and my wife at home. Maybe I’ll get to another post while the turkey’s in the oven, or maybe I’ll catch up on some Wii instead.

Here’s wishing all of my America-based readers a happy turkey and relaxing long weekend.

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