Archive > 01 November 2008

Free Agency Updates

» 01 November 2008 » In mlb prospects, npb » 1 Comment

I’ve added some updates to my free agent list. Here is a summary.

International Free Agents

NPB-only Free Agents

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Japan Series Game 1

» 01 November 2008 » In npb » Comments Off on Japan Series Game 1

I was hoping to find some time to write a preview of the Japan Series, but now that it’s started I’m a little too late.

Seibu took Game 1, with Hideaki Wakui trumping Koji Uehara in a 2-1 pitchers duel. I didn’t get a chance to follow the game, so I’ll point you to English write-ups at Tsubamegun and, as well long and short YouTube highlights.

Despite Seibu’s game 1 win, I think the Giants have a slight edge in the Series. I like the Giants rotation of Uehara/Greisinger/Utsumi/Takahashi a little better than Seibu’s group of Wakui/Hoashi/Kishi/Ishii, and I think the Giants have a deeper bullpen as well. Seibu scored a lot more runs during the regular season than the Giants, the starting lineups are pretty equal.

Of course, I’ve only done a really rough eyeball analysis of the two teams, so I could be way off. On paper, this is a pretty even matchup and I hope all seven games will be as close as game 1.

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Tazawa Rumor Mongering

» 01 November 2008 » In mlb prospects » 15 Comments

As you no doubt know by now, Junichi Tazawa went unselected in the recent NPB draft, clearing the way for him to sign with an MLB organization. While official negotiations reportedly won’t start until Nov 24 or so, Tazawa is meeting with representatives from the Mariners and Braves on Tuesday. I’ve picked up on about six teams interested in Tazawa, with the most recent addition to the mix being the Phillies.

Update, November 1 afternoon: Okay, it’s raining out here in Silicon Valley so I might keep going with this. Here are the teams that I’ve seen reported in the media as having interest in Tazawa:

  • Boston
  • Atlanta
  • Seattle
  • Pittsburgh
  • Detroit
  • Chicago Cubs
  • Philadelphia has the Kyodo version of the story I published above.

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NPB Bullet Points (2008/11/01)

» 01 November 2008 » In npb » 2 Comments

Time for another edition of NPB Bullet Points. Randomness abounds, as usual.

Japanese Articles:

English Articles:

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